

今日も元気な姿を見せてくれたのは #コーギー のアンちゃんです。#犬の肺腺癌 で漢方薬治療して3ヶ月です。
漢方薬治療を始めるまでは、#肺癌 によって呼吸が早くなり、咳も増え、夜も寝られなくなってきましたが、漢方薬治療をすしてからはしっかり呼吸も落ち着き、元気に過ごし、夜もぐっすり寝られています。
肺癌は進行を止められないケースもありますが、漢方薬治療で体調を整えてあげれば,最後まで苦しむことなく、#酸素室 なく過ごせることも多いです。

It was Anne, who is Welsh Corgi, who showed her energetic appearance today. She has been treated with Chinese herbal medicine for lung adenocarcinoma for 3 months .
Until she started her herbal medicine treatment, she had lung cancer that made her breathe faster, coughed more, and couldn't sleep at night, but after she took her herbal medicine treatment, her breathing calmed down. She is doing well and has a good night's sleep .
In some cases, the progression of lung cancer cannot be stopped, but if the body is prepared with Chinese herbal medicine treatment, they can often spend the rest of their lives without suffering and without an oxygen chamber.
She hasn't taken X-rays for a while because she's in good shape. However, she may be in good physical condition even if she is on Chinese herbal medicine treatment, and to see the future outlook, she will have an X-ray examination at her next time.
