

Machiko, who is being treated for feline asthma, has been receiving coughing from time to time for a few years, and the frequency of coughing has gradually increased. ..
Feline asthma is also caused by inflammation, so if you improve your pet's constitution and immunity, they will often calm down. Machiko has been on Chinese herbal medicine for 3 months, but she seems to have only seen coughing 2-3 times in the past month
She also calmed down her vomiting, which she had every day during her terrible timesImmune diseases in feline such as asthma and hemolytic anemia are often severe, and the amount of steroids used in Western treatment tends to be large However, if the causes such as immunity and constitution are properly adjusted with Chinese herbs, steroids and immunosuppressants can be reduced or withdrawn, and side effects can be suppressed 
