Immune-mediated disease/Necrotizingmeningoencepha
- Treatment of immune-mediated diseases
(MUO, GME, NME, NLE, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, panniculitis, pemphigus, ear hematoma, etc.)
For autoimmune diseases, it is difficult to maintain physical condition only by symptomatic treatment. This is because simply suppressing the symptoms with immunosuppressive treatment (including steroids or immunosuppressants..) will further weaken the immune system and worsen the condition. In addition, the overlapping side effects of immunosuppressive drugs continue to erode immunity and organs.At our hospital, we aim to improve immune disorders by recovering immunity while suppressing inflammation by improving the immune constitution.
In cases where a large amount of steroids have been used, the minimum amount of steroids may be required until the addiction disappears even during Kampo herbal medicine treatment. Even in that case, while suppressing the symptoms by immunosuppression, we aim to reduce the drug while improving the symptoms by recovering the immune system with Kampo herbal medicine.
Treatment of panniculitis / pemphigus(No steroids, only Chinese herbs)
Treatment of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia
Treatment of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia